Merry Self Care Month

Merry Self Care Month

Ways to Care for yourself during this stress filled time We all know it and I don’t think at this point I need to spell out that the holidays are filled with stress, expectations and unresolved family and friend dramas.   I am challenging you to...

An Interview with Tara

An Interview with Tara

Have you met our amazing office manager, Tara Ellacott? I decided to interview Tara so that you could get to know her brilliance and passion like I have over the last six months. Tara talks about family and having 3 children; how she learned the brain is...

The Power of Positivity

The Power of Positivity

Many of us believe that being POSITIVE in attitude is just something you are born with.  The great news is that you can actually train yourself to be more positive. There is actually a physical change in your brain and in the chemicals that flow through...

Banana Almond Flour Muffins

Banana Almond Flour Muffins

Mix Ingredients: 3 Ripened Bananas ½ Cup of melted Butter or Coconut Oil 2 Free-Range Eggs 1 Tsp Vanilla Extract 1 Tsp. Baking Soda 3 Cups of Almond Flour ¼ Tsp. Himalayan Sea Salt ¼ Cup Chopped Walnuts ¼ Cup Unsulphured dried apricots (can use raisins,...

Golden Chicken Curry

Golden Chicken Curry

This recipe is a standard in my house.  We love it for its nourishing, warming and gut healing properties! Use any leftover broth. QUICK TIP: Buy a cooked chicken and some broth from your healthy butcher and voila... quick and easy! Prepare Chicken If...

Stress: A Primer

Stress: A Primer

Stress Our brain decides what is a stressor— whether it is real or not! To the brain there is no difference between actually being chased by a bear and vividly imagining being chased. The brain’s response to stress, called Fight or Flight, is virtually the...

Back to School

Back to School

Students, Teachers & Parents: It’s back to school time! Here are some healthful tips to help keep you & your children on “back” track! Get your Spine & Nervous system checked, regularly.  Do you remember life without pain?  This is...

Childen’s Developmental Milestones

Childen’s Developmental Milestones

As parents it can be easy to overlook our children in terms of key milestones.  Often a delay or early attainment can be a signal that something might be a concern in your child's healthy development.  Keep these close at hand so you can keep a close on...

Maureen’s faves:

Monthly Office Webinars

You’ve got Questions, Let’s figure out some ANSWERS!

We host free monthly events for practice members of mine!

These calls are all about you-100%!

Ask questions and get coached about Anything in regards to your HEALTH, Wellbeing, Your CARE with Me, and JOY!

Our coaching spots fill quickly so make sure you sign up for the webinar and write your questions out and send to me.  If you can’t make it live, submit a question and I will do my best to answer it during the call.

If you don’t have a question but just want to hear and learn from others…JOIN US.  We have so many unexpected discussions that will fill you with JOY and a Healthy Vibrant life!

Join Us

Less stress, more joy. Get insights and tips that meet you where you are

I'm tired of feeling like sh*t
I want more energy in my day-to-day life
I want to optimize for my best self