We Always Have Time For Your Questions

Here are a few questions we hear on a regular basis. If you have a question or a concern that isn’t listed here, please feel free to contact the clinic directly. We’re always happy to help.

What is a Discovery & Embodiment session?

Your brain and nervous system are the central communicators in your body. When either one of them isn’t working at its optimal level, it affects your whole body, including your energy levels, hormonal health, pain or discomfort, even general happiness and vitality.

In order to rebalance your body, we go through a consultation and discovery process to assess the root cause of your illness or dissatisfaction. From there, we use a variety of modalities including soft touch chiropractic medicine (no cracking or popping), network spinal analysis, supplement and lifestyle recommendations, and bioenergetic testing.

What is Network Spinal Analysis?

Amazingly, a light touch, at the right time and place, can help your body abandon its defensive state and begin true and deep healing. The primary chiropractic adjusting technique we use at Essence of Life Wellness Care is called Network Spinal Analysis, a gentle touch usually along the spine that alerts the brain and nervous system to focus on healing those areas. You might think it is a little crazy how these light touches can do so much but, trust us, we have been successfully healing people this way for the last 20 years.

Network Spinal Analysis is at the forefront of brain research. It’s a highly-effective technique that improves spinal biomechanics, reduces nervous system interferences, releases tension, and helps our clients develop new strategies for living and healing without invasive cracking or popping of joints and cartilage. As our clients’ bodies learn and heal, each subsequent appointment opens up new abilities to adapt, make healthier choices, enjoy life, and experience an overall sense of ease and wellbeing.

Based on the outcomes of research conducted at the University of California, Irvine, patients receiving NSA care reported significant improvement in physical health, emotional and mental health, reduced stress, and greater life enjoyment. Seventy-six percent of the over 2800 patients improved in every category.

What can I expect at my first appointment?

Your first appointment is 30 minutes in length. The purpose of your first consultation is to discuss your health goals and see if our style of chiropractic care is the right fit for you. We’ll discuss your health history and perform a thorough chiropractic, neurological, and orthopedic examination to help identify the root cause of your issues. Every step will be explained to you and you’ll have lots of opportunity to ask questions.

I’ve tried everything. How is this going to be any different?

Most modalities focus on your symptoms. We look at the bigger picture, the root cause, the brain and nervous systems.

When we can get the brain out of the stress response, the healing can begin. That’s where the miracles happen. You get connected to your own healing abilities which allows you to make the changes you need to make.

But I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me.

Many of our clients come to us for ongoing wellness support and to promote general vitality. Our brain is processing 30,000 pieces of information every 5 minutes and it needs to prioritize in order to remain stable. As we continue on with our busy lives, we’re often unaware of what we’re still holding onto. When we take the opportunity to address anything our brain or nervous system has put to the wayside, the more we can do on a preventative level, the healthier our lives will continue to be.

Discovery & Embodiment Sessions are also highly effective for children, and can address mood-based symptoms as well as sleep and dietary issues. No matter your age, you’ll experience a release of tension and an increase of energy and enthusiasm you didn’t know you were missing.

I don’t live in Toronto. Do you do distance healing or online learning?

Yes! There’s a lot you can do to heal yourself from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are in the world. The Essence of Life Joy Strategy Sessions walk you through Maureen’s unique discovery process and help facilitate more vitality and joy in your life.

You can access our online programs through the Joy Strategy Sessions portal or contact us for more information.

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I'm tired of feeling like sh*t
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