Dear Breast Friend:
Thank you for taking the time to join me here, as I bring you the musings and wise words of the people I admire, who inspire and motivate me toward wellness everyday.
I wanted to open up a dialogue, to mark a circle in the sand and invite you, as well as my friends and colleagues, to join me here to talk about breasts, breast health and the overwhelming sense of breast (cancer) fear we feel in our world today. This is our #boobyluv interview series with wellness practitioners, and I hope you find here inspiration, ideas, thought-provoking discussion and inquiry that changes the way you view your breast, and your overall body wellness.
Let’s begin here, but let’s keep the conversation going. You can protect your breasts and reduce your risk of breast cancer. It starts with this conversation. Women, it starts with the empowerment we lend you here.
Let’s talk about breast health with Dr. Maureen’s #boobyluv interview series. TWEET THIS.
– Dr. Maureen Borghoff
Interview #1: Dr. Maureen Borghoff
1. It seems like everyone is aware of the pink ribbon campaign and breast cancer awareness activities that take place in October. The messages that proliferate are about coping with a diagnosis, finding a cure. We share a common interest in shifting that conversation to “prevention.” What does prevention mean to you?
My wish for myself, and for those around me, is to shift our thinking to that of being vibrant.
The disease consciousness can come in so many forms and prevention is actually a round-about way of thinking, “I don’t want disease.” What if instead we looked at the pillars of health; those activities and habits that create a healthy vibrant life?
For me, it is important that I make sure I have a brain and nervous system that is working optimally. I want to eat non-GMO, organic and biologically appropriate foods that are nourishing. It is important that I move and sweat everyday, avoid chemicals in my beauty care and household cleaners. I must listen and understand the signals my body is giving, and make changes that align with those messages. It is important that I work on my emotional and mental well-being, making sure to acknowledge the emotions I feel; I must be a conscious creator in my life-understanding. I focus on what brings me zen and joy, on positive fulfilling relationships with others, gratitude and giving to those around me, as well as a connection to the divine love we are all a part of.
2. And why are you passionate about breast health and women living healthy vibrant lives?
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 16 year ago. She certainly was the beginning of my consciousness around breast health, but working with thousands of patients I have realized women carry a fear of their breasts. My wish is to feel empowerment from their breasts. I want women to realize that our nourishment and love are centered here in the breast; they are a reflection of your whole body health. The health of your breasts really comes from the health of your entire self. TWEET THIS. Women are powerful and can shift the conversation, and I think empowering women will only make our planet healthier
3. Too often we talk about breasts only in two (maybe three) contexts: female sexuality, usually as it is contained by male sexuality; and when something goes wrong with breast health – namely breast cancer (maybe we talk about breastfeeding, usually when it has been shunned publicly). Why do you think there is a silence around talking about breasts outside of these topics/angles?
My positive side wants to say that the conversation about breast cancer was started to get women thinking about their health. Unfortunately, I don’t think this is true. I think Pink Ribbon campaigns are actually a way to disempower women around the responsibility they have to create their own health. Instead, they create and perpetuate a shame cycle. The breast health organizations that are most vocal and well-known say they are supporting women’s health, meanwhile many products they endorse as part of the pink ribbon campaigns are actually causing cancers, or problems in women. I think money has a big say in the portrayal of women’s breasts.
4. We believe that women are unsure of their breasts, and that for many women, their breasts are a source of fear. Perhaps pink ribbon campaigns are in part responsible for this fear, perhaps there is a fear of the sexuality of breasts, or of the power women can hold. Many women are not used to touching their breasts even. What is your opinion of our culture of breast fear?
It is time to learn about our bodies and touch our breasts. The more we understand ourselves the more powerful we are. You should know yourself better then anyone. Each individual woman must make a choice to know herself, to express herself, and to understand how her body works. This can change that fear. Breasts aren’t things sitting there waiting to go wrong, they are about nourishment — our connection to love and its expression. Breasts are part of our life story and tell the tales of the emotional aspects, chemical aspects and physical well-being. They are part of the whole picture that captures the respect and love we show our entire body.
5. Imagine yourself talking with a young girl about body image, body health and growing into a conscientious woman. What would you impart to the conversation of breasts?
Your breasts are your business. They are an expression of yourself and how you choose to express this part of you is up to you. Touch them and understand how they ebb and flow with the cycles of life. Breasts present nourishment of ourselves, and others. They are there as guides to understand and love yourself. Be relentless in learning about them and nourishing yourself emotionally physically, socially and spiritually. It will make a difference in your overall health and life enjoyment. Love your boobies!
6. How has breast health, or breast cancer touched your life. In what personal ways are you invested in projects that raise awareness of breast health?
I believe that our brain and nervous system control every aspect of us. When there are interferences, then it is going to change the expression of the beautiful innate wisdom within. By maintaining that connection through adjustment to the nervous system, I am helping women express their power and health.
I have also added in an evaluation to my office called Computer Regulation Thermography, which helps women understand the health of their breasts in relation to the rest of their body. It helps to give direction for our journey to vibrant health by guiding choices. The more you know about yourself, the more empowered you are and the less likely you are of being a “victim.” I want women to be powerful and (self)loving; I want women to make change for themselves, for their families and ultimately for the health of our communities and planet.
7. Leave us with a final word. When we say “breasts” you say:
Thanks for the mammaries!
Join us here in the coming weeks for more #boobyluv interviews.
I’m learning how to release the fear and love my breasts with the #boobyluv interview series.