Here is what some people are saying,
Watch this video with Dr. Mercola, as he explains what thermography is and the many useful benefits. He offers it as a useful tool, in particular when done annually so reports can be compared year to year. Please note that the second part of this video, which describes thermography, refers to Digital Infrared Thermography. This is different from Computer Regulation Thermography. Studies are now showing that Computer Regulation Thermography, which uses a computer probe to come into contact with the skin and which compares the data with a database of results thereby eliminating the need to read the scan, is more accurate.
This article in Alive Magazine describes Computer Regulation Thermography, as well as offers some of its benefits. It was written by Naturopathic Doctor, Dr. Garrett Swetlikoff.
This is a balanced article about thermography’s growing use in Canada, those that support it and those that have some concerns. It offers a good discussion of what thermography is and how it has effectively helped people.
When looking to care for your body, in the best way, information is everything. If you have questions about Computer Regulation Thermography, speak to your health care practitioner or give us a call! You do not need a doctor’s referral and we can support you each step of the process.