Welcome #boobyluv friends! We are thought-provoking comments from Dr. Maureen BorghoffMeghan Telpner, Nadine Artemis and more in our #boobyluv interview series. Today we would like to bring you the wise words of Dr. V, a breast health champion and truly amazing lady. In case you missed it, read more about the #boobyluv project. Follow along each week as we talk with amazing health experts.

Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as “Dr. V,” has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979. Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness. After 30 years in active practice, she decided to “retire” and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer. Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials ™, a step-by-step coaching program. Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author and has a # 1 Best Selling book on Amazon, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.

1. It seems like everyone is aware of the pink ribbon campaign and breast cancer awareness activities that take place in October. The messages that proliferate are about coping with a diagnosis, finding a cure. We share a common interest in shifting that conversation to “prevention.” What does prevention mean to you?

Prevention means understanding how your body is actually working; keeping a pulse on that. It is making informed decisions about what’s happening in your body. For women and breast health, knowing what your Vitamin D3 levels are – that’s important when it comes to prevention – knowing if you are iodine deficient as well, because there is a clear link between iodine deficiency, a sluggish thyroid and breast cancer. And also understanding how your hormones are actually working. For example, if you are not metabolizing or methylating estrogen correctly that could be a red flag for increased awareness and more proactivity when it comes to prevention. And also, looking at your various levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and your cortisol and testing those through saliva testing to make sure those hormones are staying in balance.

2. And why are you passionate about breast health and women living healthy vibrant lives?

I am particularly passionate about breast health because of my experience healing breast cancer naturally, and also working with women in 17 countries so far to help them either be proactive with prevention or to heal breast cancer. I find that there is so much confusion and so much fear when it comes to breast health; many women are not understanding what breast health means. It’s just so important for women to be proactive and to really understand what is involved in taking care of their health.

3. Too often we talk about breasts only in two (maybe three) contexts: female sexuality, usually as it is contained by male sexuality; and when something goes wrong with breast health – namely breast cancer (maybe we talk about breastfeeding, usually when it has been shunned publicly). Why do you think there is a silence around talking about breasts outside of these topics/angles?

This is more of a Western view of breasts. If you look at other countries, third world countries and countries that are less industrialized, breasts are an appendage like an arm and leg and there is no hiding them under clothing necessarily. There is more freedom, and more liberal views about it. Just go to Europe and women are bathing topless on the beaches. It is just part of society. I think it boils down to a cultural difference in Western societies.

4. We believe that women are unsure of their breasts, and that for many women, their breasts are a source of fear. Perhaps pink ribbon campaigns are in part responsible for this fear, perhaps there is a fear of the sexuality of breasts, or of the power women can hold. Many women are not used to touching their breasts even. What is your opinion of our culture of breast fear?

The focus on breasts in the pink ribbon campaign amounts to breast cancer awareness instead of breast health awareness and so there is a fear. And because of the culture, breasts are associated with sexuality or breastfeeding and we’ve had a tendency to shy away from actually touching or massaging our breasts, just like we would massage the muscles in our neck or back. One of the things I encourage women to do is to do a lymphatic-type massage with specific oils that help stimulate and cleanse the breast. Anything from grapefruit oil and lemon oil, which contain limonene, which helps in cancer prevention, and frankincense, which is really good for the lymphatic system. There are different combinations you can use to help nurture and nourish the breast. Sometimes even applying transdermal applications of iodine or magnesium oil can be beneficial for the breast.

5. Imagine yourself talking with a young girl about body image, body health and growing into a conscientious woman. What would you impart to the conversation of breasts?

I would let her know that her breasts are part of her womanhood and at the same time they are also a reflection of her health. This is an extension of her body. If she is having problems as a young girl with fibrocystic breasts, this is an indication already at a young age that there is a hormone imbalance, there is an iodine deficiency, there is too much sugar in the diet. You can learn a lot about your physical health in general by looking at the health of your breasts.

6. How has breast health, or breast cancer touched your life. In what personal ways are you invested in projects that raise awareness of breast health?

I am a breast cancer conqueror myself – my healing journey went from 2004 through 2006. As I was going through that journey, I kept asking myself: “How could someone like me develop cancer?” I was a health care practitioner. I’d been in practice 25 years. I was teaching people about health and seeing patients reverse cancer, autoimmune diseases, MS and all kinds of issues… Why did this happen to me? I really had to go inside and look at my health in all aspects. I realized there were pieces of the puzzle I was missing, from a physical point of view but also from an emotional point of view. This is how I developed the 7 essentials for healing breast cancer naturally, because there are 7 basic steps that if you follow you never have to fear breast cancer again.

As I have been working with women now for about three years, I have realized that there is so much empowerment in letting a woman know that you can prevent and you can heal breast cancer if you follow certain steps. It’s not to say I am against any kind of medical intervention, sometimes it is necessary. However, we know it takes 5-7 years for a lump or bump to show up in a breast. Wouldn’t you like to know 5-7 years before that lump or bump shows up so you can really be proactive?

I am really passionate about giving women hope. I’ve walked the journey. I’ve been there. And with all the knowledge I had then, there was still some fear and frustration. For the average woman who has not spent 37 years studying and researching and learning all these things, it can be very intimidating. I feel like I am the go-to person. The breast health specialist to really empower women about healing their body.

7. Leave us with a final word. When we say “breasts” you say:

Love. And the reason I say love is because whether you are preventing or you are healing breast cancer it really comes down to learning to nurture and to love yourself and all aspects: loving your body, loving your inner child, loving your adult self and really forgiving yourself and letting go. It also means learning to love others unconditionally, and forgiving others. It means loving others in a very big way. You can look at the nurturing aspect of breasts, as a mother in breastfeeding. And there is also the sexual aspect of it that can be very bonding for a couple. For me, breasts revolve around love.

Join us here in the coming weeks for more #boobyluv interviews.

Read Dr. Maureen Borghoff’s interview.

Read Meghan Telpner’s interview.

Read Nadine Artemis’s interview.

I’m learning how to release the fear and love my breasts with the #boobyluv interview series.


#boobyluv interview series with dr maureen borghoff - Image Collage #2

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