Start a Breast Health Challenge with Your Breast Friend
I don’t know about scientific evidence, but I think women naturally gravitate towards other women and rely on female friendships as an outlet in everyday life more than men do. Do you agree? We have shared helpful tips on this blog about how to take better care of...
Health Tips for a New Start
It’s officially December, which means that we’re getting closer to the end of 2014. We’ve been reflecting on what an incredible year we have had here at Toronto Thermography Centre, and we feel so blessed. We are full of gratitude for what 2014 has had in store for...
Pink Schmink: Let’s Talk Breast Health Awareness
October was Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it had all of us seeing pink. From drill bits to football players, there is nothing left untouched by the well-meaning—if woefully off-the-mark— pink ribbon awareness campaigns that touch North Americans every year at this...
About the Lymphatic System and Your Breast Health
Your body is a power-washer when it comes to keeping your interior house clean. Systems are in place within your immune system to filter out foreign particles, including cancer cells. You want this system to be operating optimally, don’t you? Just like you need to...
Xenoestrogens and Your Breast Health: The Top 5 Things You Need to Know
We don’t want to scare you; but there are things you are doing right now that can increase your risk for breast cancer. It’s not that we need to create a culture of fear, but spreading knowledge about what’s in the things you are eating, that you eat from and that you...
A Peek at Our (7 Steps to Healthier) Breasts: A Breast Health #BoobyLuv Event
Just a little humour to kick-off what is an important topic: taking care of your breasts! Dr. Maureen Borghoff will be delivering a talk on breast cancer prevention, where prevention is rooted in healthy living practices that minimize your risk of cancer. Think active...
New Study: Breast Cancer Linked to Menopause Drug
What we don’t know, can hurt us. We want to believe that the medical profession has the knowledge necessary to make truly important decisions when it comes to our health, like whether or not exposing us to a particular drug is safe and effective. The truth is, there...
Dr. Maureen Borghoff Talks Computer Regulated Thermography and Breast Health
Dr. Maureen Borghoff is the fearless leader of Toronto Thermography Centre, a certified Chiropractor with Essence of Life Wellness Care, as well as a Women’s Health advocate. So we asked Maureen, what makes you so passionate about thermography?! My Introduction to...
Vitamin D & Your Sun Exposure
Summer means soaking up the sun’s rays and spending more time outdoors. Yeah! This is great for your mood, clarity and overall health, as exposure to the sun - in particular the morning hours - is known to give you a lift. The body also creates an important vitamin,...
#1 Tip for Healthy Skin: Dry Skin Brushing
What if I told you there is one thing you can do each and everyday that can help you to reduce the toxic load in your body, and improve the function, tone and clarity of your skin?! Wouldn’t you want to do it?! Well I have that one tip, and I am going to share it with...