We’ve made it through our first week back to new routines, the transition from the easy days of summer to the more structured days of a brand new season; fall is just around the corner.

And we couldn’t be more excited! The office is buzzing with appointments, with new discoveries and with empowerment as people take hold of their health and personal growth. There is always a good time for thermography but fall feels particularly appropriate to encourage you to come and join us! With the start of a new school year, and a return to a busy work routine, comes the desire for a kickstart to your health routine. We want to help you with this! It can start with small changes, that add up to big transformations. Here are 5 things to do today to start to change your health for fall, including discovering thermography.

1. Get moving in the morning sun.

Morning is an ideal time to absorb the sun, which your skin transforms into the vital nutrient Vitamin D, and which is known to boost your mood. By interacting with the sun through walking – make it a moving meditation! – you are giving your muscles, including your heart, a workout, and allowing your mind some time to break from the demands of your day. Try for a mid-morning walk, to stretch your legs and avoid some of the ill-effects of a sedentary workday. Sitting has been called the new smoking, as researchers come to learn that sitting at an office desk all day leads to such concerns as heart disease and cancer.

2. Practice mindfulness.

Make a new commitment to yourself; this fall you will squeeze every ounce of emotion – good and not so good – from each day. Not only will you show up, but you will be present with your head in the moment, and not struggling through past hurts, anxieties or ideas, or tangled up in worries for the future. Play with your kids, with your phone away on vibrate and your work worries compartmentalized for later concern. Make thoughtful choices at the grocery store and in preparing your food, then really taste your food as you consume it. Meditate, even if for a few minutes each day, so you can practice emptying your mind, listening to your breath and just … living.

3. Take a challenge, or make your own.

Give yourself a set of goals, in the form of a challenge created by someone else or a challenge you create yourself. Make a commitment: maybe it is to do yoga every day for one month, to give up sugar for 30-days, or to take a 2-week meditation program. Setting goals and acting to fulfill them can challenge you to create a new habit. But give yourself at least 2-weeks to commit to your challenge; it can take this long for a new habit to form.

4. Incorporate a new food into your diet, or restart a love for an old one.

The fall is full of culinary delights, including great finds at your local farmer’s market. Choose fall-ready produce like sweet potatoes, parsnips, pears, winter squash, pumpkin, apples, turnips and kale. Challenge yourself to eat a new vegetable, or to try a different way of preparing an old favourite. Whip up soups and stews, roasted vegetables, fruit crisps and, our favourite, kale chips!

5. Come and see us, and find out more about your health.

Knowledge is power; through thermography you can learn about how your body is functioning, where there may be areas that need future discovery. And find in this knowledge the motivation to create a holistic wellness plan aimed at prevention (imagine, knowing what your body is doing and why, with a health care team committed to making a plan for you to live well). From allergies to cancer care, thermography has a large reach and the potential to transform. Discover more by booking your appointment or contacting us.

These are 5 easy ways you can make some changes this fall. Even small changes add up to big transformation and empower you to do more to take preventative steps towards protecting your health. How will you live your healthiest life this fall? Now… we’re off to get out the crock pot and transform some garden harvests into a cool weather warm-the-bones treat!
Copyright: warrengoldswain / 123RF Stock Photo

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