Category: Exercise

4 Reasons Why Sweating is Good for You

We may dread the feeling of wetness under our arms, when attending an important event or meeting someone for the first time, but sweating is a natural process that confers a lot of benefit. Because...

Health Tips for a New Start

It’s officially December, which means that we’re getting closer to the end of 2014. We’ve been reflecting on what an incredible year we have had here at Toronto Thermography Centre, and we feel so...

Men’s Health and Cancer Prevention

As I write this, many of you men are feeling a bit bare, while your wives perhaps rejoice that the razor has finally come out! It was Movember, as you have probably heard, and we were once again in...

Tips for a Healthy Summer Plus Ice Tea Recipe

We love summer: life slows down, the sun is shining and feeling hot, the days are bright and long, filled with outdoor activity. These are all great components of healthy living. How do you love to...

Exercise for Breast Health

You have heard it before, and you know: exercise is good for you. It tones your body, fights deadly fat, and strengthens the muscles of your body – including that big important muscle, your...

Less stress, more joy. Get insights and tips that meet you where you are

I'm tired of feeling like sh*t
I want more energy in my day-to-day life
I want to optimize for my best self